MMRC & KU MARC Lunch Lecture Town Hall and Virtual Spring Conference

Thu, 03/11/2021


Sarah Marie Hammeke

The Midwest Music Research Collective (MMRC) is a student organization which aims to foster a platform for graduate students of all disciplines to share their musical research, experiences and performances. Since 2018, we have successfully hosted several conferences, a call for scores, guest lectures, and lecture recitals. 


University of Kansas, Musicians for an Anti-Racist College (KU MARC) is an alumni and intersectionality driven organization dedicated to advocating for the protection of historically oppressed student voices at the University of Kansas School of Music. The mission of KU MARC is to mentor music students, defend the interests of student musicians, and develop strategies to implement systematically removed music histories. 


In collaboration, MMRC and KU MARC created the Lunch Lecture Series in Fall 2020. Graduate students gain professional experience as they and faculty present compelling, new music research. Voices of marginalized students and professors are lifted and heard across the KU community. On March 26th – 27th, even more graduate students will present original music research at the annual Spring Conference! The keynote speaker will be Dr. A.D. Carson from the University of Virginia, whose address is titled going into language: i used to love to dream. His workshop, A Craft Workshop on Rap and Storytellingly Invention, will center on the craft and appreciation in hip hop. 


On Tuesday, March 16th at 12 PM, MMRC and KU MARC will co-host a Town Hall. Come learn more about us, our goals and future projects, and find out how you can get involved! 

Thu, 03/11/2021


Sarah Marie Hammeke