Alexander Cloyd

- Ph.D. Candidate
Contact Info
1440 Jayhawk Blvd.
Lawrence, KS 66045
Biography —
Alex Cloyd received his BA in History with departmental honors distinction and research experience certification in 2010. He earned an MA in American Studies in 2016 as well as a certificate in Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies in 2017. He is currently a PhD Candidate in American Studies, where his current work discusses drone technology and the impacts of technologies of violence and oppressive techniques of state-sanctioned policing and intervention. All degrees and certificates have been earned through the University of Kansas, Lawrence.
Currently, Alex works as a researcher with the Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking Initiative (ASHTI). In particular, Alex’s research looks to contribute to anti-trafficking techniques and discourses within the education sector. Along with other researchers and collaborators in ASHTI, Alex is attempting to better inform preventative and protective policies to aid communities, legislators, governments, and organizations in building trafficking-resistant and resilient communities. Also, Alex is currently a board member for the Polish Cultural Institute and Museum, Inc. in Winona, Minnesota as well as an on-staff historian for the Union Station in Kansas City, Missouri.